Sunday, June 26, 2016


I have been in this great transition for some time now, where all I ever believed about any and everything has came into question. 
It hasn't been easy or fun. 

At this point in my journey, I'm very sure if who I am, and who I am not. I don't know who I want to be. 
I really just want to be me. 

But literally very few understand me and can relate to me. While I can relate to everyone, hardly no one can relate to me. While I know this world is huge. And I know that I am most likely duplicated somewhere, I'm sure of it. 
I haven't found them. 
But I am looking. For that one person that gets me. One single soul that sees me. Not just what I am protraying in the moment. But me. 
If that does exist. I seem to make it exist for so many but not a one, can do that for me. 
Mostly they are just confused to what I maybe saying. 
Maybe I lost my chance on the ones I gave up. 
Maybe I'm a total idiot and I'm insane and I don't understand the point of living. All I know is the monotony of work, do this, do that, all to keep up with everyone else and do what ever one else does, feels like a slow death to me.

I'm glad that I am not like the other humans. I'm glad I'm uniquely me. I'm glad I don't feel the need to be just like the others. I'm glad I am who I am. 

I'm just sad that there isn't anyone who is also like me, it makes for a lonely alone journey. 

Too bad. 

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